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You may choose to make your charitable contributions directly from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to give to our Annual Fund or our Endowment Fund. You may benefit from the IRA Charitable Rollover provision which allows individuals who have reached age 70½ to donate to charitable organizations directly from their IRA, without treating the distribution as taxable income. Please consult with your tax adviser and contact Aileen Moore or Malinda Kirchner in the church office for more information.
You may give a gift of appreciated securities to our annual fund or to our endowment fund. If you are interested in contributing appreciated securities to Second Presbyterian Church, you may do so by electronic transfer through your broker. You will need the following information to complete the electronic transfer:
Stephens Inc.
FBO Second Presbyterian Church
DTC #443
ST5164246Stephens Inc.
111 Center Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
(501) 377-2612
(501) 377-8290 (fax)Send to Stephens, Attn: Robert Feltus
robert.feltus@stephens.comNatasha Marlow (Registered Sales Assistant) -
We welcome all of God’s beloved children, whether you can recite the creeds or not. Our Statement of Welcome might help you understand how wide God’s arms are in case you’re curious.
Yes. We have programs of loving-care and age-appropriate spiritual formation beginning at babies through preschool, K-3, 4-6, 7-8, and 9-12 grades. We continue with college and young adult programming and so on. We celebrate their milestones along way.
The east (main) entry, the first north entry and the first south entry all lead you into the gathering space outside the Sanctuary. That means you can park near Pleasant Valley, near the solar panel array, or on the opposite side and still be near your destination. These entries are wheelchair and stroller accessible.
Yes, you may. We receive new members after worship each Sunday.
No, we are all disciples on a Christian journey and invite you to join us, as we all strive to grow in faith. We have a Prospective Member’s Class to help you get oriented. At some point down the road, if you are nominated to become an officer, there will be additional instruction to help you if you accept the call. Ongoing education classes are there to help you grow in faith seeking understanding.
If you are already baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity, then your baptism transfers with you. We do not re-baptize in our tradition but we do like to celebrate a remembrance of our baptisms. If you have not been baptized, we will make arrangements when you join.
Yes, to get involved, contact Alisa or Sharon. There are many ways you can plug into care.
Yes, we maintain a “DO NOT ANNOUNCE” category for pastors and staff only. Pastors and staff can keep in prayer and/or provide support where needed.
No, our pastoral care system is there to provide support for cares and concerns of many sizes.
If there are any ideas you’d like to see, please let us know and we love hearing what is exciting to you! If you’re interested in serving on the Families with Young Children Ministry to help shape the course of the ministry, please contact Grant Wright. We meet the first Tuesday of each month.
No! We purposely try to plan a range of events with different times and areas of interest so that there is something for everyone. Whether it is one parent, or the whole family that can join us for one, some, or all of our events we are glad to have you!
The goal of the College and Young Adults ministry is to provide support, fellowship, and learning opportunities for the young adults of our church. We aim to build each other up and prepare to do the work that God is calling us to do in this world.
Young adults are involved in all areas of the church’s life. From the choirs to church leadership to volunteering and much more, there are a huge number of ways to get plugged in the way that is best for your time and talents.
This ministry serves young adults of a variety of ages and life stages. Our current group includes college students, graduate students, and young adults in their 20s and 30s. The group includes single, dating, engaged, and married people, as well as people of different races, genders, and sexual orientations.
Absolutely! We have many events, both in-person and virtual, so no worries if you’re at a distance.
Absolutely. God created human beings for relationship, and one of the ways we experience divine care is through relationships. Having the skills for Stephen Ministry does not prevent difficulty from entering your life. Yet a Stephen Minister can partner with you in your care, listening to your story and accompanying you on your journey.
You have a few options. You can talk with your friend about seeking a Stephen Minister. You could refer to a pastor. Or you can refer to a Stephen Leader who can evaluate with your friend if Stephen Ministry is a match.
Yes, you can. Just let a Stephen Leader know and we’ll work up a “re-activate-you” mini training to sharpen your skills and bring you back into the Stephen Ministry community.
No, Stephen Ministers do not share identifying information about their care receiver. They protect confidentiality. In peer supervision, they might share a piece of dialogue which does not identify you and a question to peers such as “How could I have answered this differently?” Peers do not try to identify you but rather encourage the Stephen Minister in their relationship with you.
If life is challenging, please talk with a pastor or Stephen Leader. There is a possibility that a ready Stephen Minister is awaiting this very opportunity. And if your challenge is resolved quickly, then you and your Stephen Minister will determine when to close the relationship. Stephen Ministry can benefit a wide variety of challenges.
We believe that all of us are made in the image of God, that God loves us and wants us to treat each other well, and that we can seek God at any time through prayer, worship, and service. As Presbyterians, our theology hews to the Reformed tradition, and as a congregation of the PC(USA), we have a special emphasis on God’s inclusive love.
We would love to have your help! No particular experience or knowledge is required, and we can always welcome more help in our programs. Volunteers for children’s ministry programs are required to be certified according to our Miriam Project standards, which include training, registration, and a background check.
Children 6th grade and older are served by our youth programs.
Every Pop-Up event is a little different. Most are held outdoors and are themed on a Bible story. Games, crafts, and music are common elements, but there’s always something a little out of the box!
At 9:50, we start Sunday School for children both virtually and in-person. We begin with music and prayers, and move into a lesson on a Bible story or faith topic. To explore this lesson, we will always include interactive elements such as crafts, drama, and games.
Absolutely! As a part of our milestones program, we provide storybook Bibles for 3 year olds and full Bibles with kid-friendly notes to 3rd graders. However, even if your child is not at those ages, we would be happy to provide you with an age-appropriate Bible if you ask!
Welcome! As a first step, reach out to Grant Wright and get on our mailing list. We can’t wait to get to know you better. Once you’re on the list, you’ll receive information about our various events and gatherings.
Absolutely! Our VBS will be held June 13-17, running from 9:00am-3:00pm. This year’s VBS theme is God’s Big Garden and is an environmentally-focused VBS program. Full programming will be offered for rising Kindergarten through rising 5th Grade, with a Mini-VBS option for younger kids down to nursery age, while older children may participate as volunteers.